todae during morning assembly indu was beside me n yaksheni was behind mi. then THT TEACHER was beside us. after the pledge she told indu to tuck in her shirt. then she suddenly called mi n yaksheni. "THE TWO OF U REMAIN STANDING" uffff...yaksheni had to unfold her skirt. n i had to UNPICK my skirt. my skirt not short eh. i've seen many gals in short skirt then she nv say anything to them? but i was neither ashamed nor scared coz i knoe it's not my fault tht m getting scolding. everyone knows how's she n tht she shouts to get attention, to look strict. n m saying this again my skirt isn't short. it is not. others say & even one counsellor said my skirt was ok. but to her not ok. uf.
then had to find a counsellor n go office n get an unpicker. then she came at the cantten n scolded the counsellor - 1 2 3 .. 8 counsellors here n none did anything???
at first i asked her ...
ME: if i pulled down my skirt, is the length of the skirt ok? can i wear it like this?
THT TEACHER: u wear ur skirt at hip bone or waist?
ME: hip bone. (tht's where i wear isn't it?)
THT TEACHER: u wear ur skirt at hip bone ar? where do u wear ur skirt?
ME: *silent
THT TEACHER: where do u wear ur skirt?
ME: *silent
THT TEACHER: where do u wear ur skirt?
ME: waist.
THT TEACHER: show mi where's ur waist.
many gals wear their skirt at hip bone she nv say anything to them eh. y mi? then sum more their skirt so short....goodd!!
the ppl around were luking... i showed her, then had to unpick my skirt. i was doing tht near water cooler but then she said she wanted mi to unpick INFRONT.. WHERE THE SCH CAN SEE. uuuurrrrrrrgggggg.. so unpicked unpicked. sum counsellors helped mi. thnx hahaz.
then said sry to her n she went "see, it's not because i dun wan u to luk pretty. it's because some perverts.. bla bla bla... "
went back to class. was 10 mins late for maths..later ms james asked mi y i got scolding then i told her "i wear my skirt at hip bone but she wan mi to wear it at waist"
newayssss.... m cool now. coz i tink .. i onli tink tht m getting it shorter again. a bit onli. dunnoe la. jus thinking abt it.
later in the afternoon i got som good news. realli realli realli gd news :)) onli sum of my frens know but the others will knoe it soon i guess.