well bought a new phone. n i LOVE it. but i dunnoe how to put the wallpaper hahaz muzz ask trishta cuz she has the same phone..
met thu tun n wah wah after 1 WHOLE YEAR :D......yesterday had sooo soo soo much fun watching the movie. O-M-G i guess AVATOR is the best movie i've watched this year. well 2012 wasn't bad but still hehe..
LOL haha it was raining n dimpal n i decided to go after it stops.. so we had to wait n wait until finally it stopped raining n woohooo we were out of da hse heading to bugis.. shiela n akriti were ald there.. they had gone to buy the 120 eyeshadow palette frm some blogshop..
n toking abt tht palette we had actually ordered frm another gal.. but tht idiot took our money n ran away i guess.. 4 of us ordered it n our palette n money both gone.. hiazz...her blog's deleted - styleblender.weebly.blogspot.com n when i call her, she never picks up.. urgh ! well leaveeee dat..
thu tun n wah wah were ald dere waiting for us..
haha when thu tun saw akriti she went -- AKRITIIII HIEEEE
n akriti was like -- huh? who u ? i dunnoe u k...
haha she was jk like duhh..
went to tht new shopping centre (i dunnoe the name .. dun even bother) when we went there AVATOR 3D was all booked except the front seats uff... n we didn't wanted to b like last time when we went to watch 2012.. we got the front seats n goddd worst of all the speaker was beside us.. akriti slept for the whole movie 0.0
then went to shaw tower n booked movie for 6 p.m... suren n ankit came later n for the next 2 hrs we stayed at MC. ate sumthing light n took pictas, went arcade, went washroom haha..
then went for movie finally.. akriti was damn funny sial... when it was the kissing scene she went.. "they'll kiss now ... RUPA CLOSE UR EYES.. later u high.."
i tink we were the onli ones toking while watching movie.. n during a scene where they all did sum kinda prayer i went .. "AKRITI u choreographed the dance eh??"
after movie was straight home. o yeah forgot to say .. tht indian man pissed mi off when he said wow n gave a pervert-smile i was like $^%&* wadeva... akriti laughed her heads off man..
todae had to follow akriti to church but oo godd i ovaslept.. sry akriti.. tmr aites :)
can't wait for NEW YEAR EVE n SINGAPORE IDOL FINALE... holidays gana finish so gana make most of it...