angie: whoa liao eh! u also eat la
1st day - my bag was the smallest of all. i dunnoe why the others brought such big bags... neways... went to parade square. assembled there. had to surrender our phones. played water bomb... n sum other games... bathing tyme..! i found out shri takes veryyyyy long tyme to bathe.. she was like the first person to go in among the 5 of us.. n the last one to come out..! ate our dinner.. n we played "don't forget the lyrics".. i n nira went up n chose the song - tik tok by keisha :D after all the singing i requested for justin beiber's baby n we all sang togeda hehe...
after sum singing came in dancing.. the sec 2s told mi to do pole dance cuz last year i had to do it..
neways danced in abracadabra, sorry sorry, shakira - hips don't lie n others.. can't rmb all the songs... well how it all went.. umm let's jus say the gals went WILD hehe...
after tht was nite walk - I WAS BULLIED BY kasi, indu n others.. n cheryl called herself avatar.. haha
they took mi ALL ova da place n told mi to do certain pose n took my picture.. i was blinfolded...
had to say "hi everyone" infront of all the NCC land guys n gal guides. paisey! 0.0 worse - had to give command at the parade square =.=' haha but it was fun... n salu tried to tok wif mi in diff voice but she was caught everytime :P
2nd day - woke up! n oh! kasi n salu came to our dorm to sleep... we had amazing race! was damn fun running here n there.. frm toa payoh interchange to bishan stadium... eating HALF the watermelon..! witout using any spoon or folk 0.0..!! doing chicken dance infront of public at the interchange...
taking pictas! for lunch went to subway n at nite we all wanted to share ghost stories.. n gladys n cheryl came to our place... gladys toked so soft tht indu said - i shall connect an earpiece in gladys to hear wad she's saying hehe.. well i dun rmb all the stuffs we did.. n we also got our VB tees.. my number's 99 ...
3rd day - went for councillor meeting.. we were so damn tired tht we slept during the last 30 mins of the meeting but mr lee didn't say anything cuz he understood we were realli realli tired like hell... n we all wanted VB camp to be 5 days 4 nites in it???
overall! THNX SENIORS n TEACHERS for making such a FUN n ENJOYABLE camp :D we'll miss u.. do come back next year ! :D