W3 had volleyball camp on 18, 19 & 20 of MaRcH n it was damn FUNFUNFUNFUNFUN :))the 1st day..
- we were on our way to sch then out of nowhere a cat came beside us n kasi FREAKED OUT hahaha.. she was like arrggg haha kasi.. kk sry sry then we went to our repective class to put our bags after which we gathered outside the general office. i was in grp 2. we all played games in the hall.. we had to piggy back our frens hehe.. i piggy backed olivia n she piggy backed mi.. (our grp was the 1st one to finish :P) after dat we went to the canteen to hav our lunch. n we had to do our hungry cheer. we did it but then our voice wasn't loud enough n the seniors told us to cheer again..so i SHOUTED so loudly. then everybody laughed.LOLS. after tht we went to the field to play charade n the theme was on "movies". haha then one time the girl got the movie - SEX IN THE CITY. but we all guessed b4 she cud act it out n i was telling to salina - "oi salina, if she had 2 act it out.. i wonder how wud she act haha." later we went to play (kingdom). i also dunnoe da name la anyhow say kingdom cuz we had to protect our kingdom n destroy other kingdoms (2 OTHER kingdoms actually :P) by burning the strings using the lil candles.
Later we played "pass da food". FLOUR, EGGS, OIL n other things placed inside a plastic bag each. i dunoe which grp finished 1st but after we finished tht game.. WE ALL PLAYED WID THE FLOUR N OTHER FOODS HAHA.. WE WERE THROWIN AT EACH OTHER.. mann tht was gr88.. we busted kasi, i was screaming n running n throwing at my fwens..then suddenly i realised the NCC LAND BOYS were luking at us. goddd. !!! paisey..
chun yee shampooed my hair.. very nice eh.. haha.. next time if she opens a parlour.. salina said she wud b her 1st costumor... each grp had to shampoo their fren's hair n collect as much foam as u can.....after this, we went to play WATER BOMB..!! it was damn damn fun throwing water balloons n splashing water..woooohhh hooo..!!hahaha there was 1 tym when kasi brought 1 BIG bucket full of water to spalsh us n i said - "oi kasi, gimme the bucket. i will splash u all.. ok gals u all stand there ok ? i will splash at u all.. 1...2...3.." u knoe wad? i didn't splashed at them, i poured the water on MYSELF.. HAHA paiseyyyy....then at nite we went for the night walk wearing the blindfolds uff. then whoa liao sumone told us to shake our butts like a duckling and i saw salu shaking hers hahahahha so i shaked mine too lols.. then we played "concentration" n later went back to class to sleep. then kasi text mi - " hey, u asleep? " then i replied - "yes m asleep! " hahaz.. then replied " if u're asleep then how cum u reply mi" .. i wanted to reply back " hu started the joke 1st? haha" but then i was so so so tired i fell asleep immediately..
and o yeah we were plannin to say ghost stories but this indu lati is such a scaredy cat.. she refused.. n when we were choosing the place to sleep, this indu wanted to sleep in the middle.. haha.. so i had to sleep near the table but i still got the fan :]
the 2nd day..
- woke up at abt 8 n went to kasi's class. kasi , salu n hemkama were asleep lols. then laterrr went to canteen to hab our breakfast n after dat went to kallang for dragon boating. it was shiok! after tht went to East Coast n went to MCdonalds 2 hab our lunch then walked for abt 1 hr to find a suitable place to play beach volleyball n build sandcastle.. god we were tanned.. haha kasi ! salu! TANNED remember? hu is TANNED?? haha.. n yeah we were burning under the hot sun no hot hot hot sun, building sandcastle. went back to school, showered, ate dinner n we were actually supposed to hab camp fire nite wid NCC LAND n' GIRL GUIDES but it was cancelled.. uff. so we went to the parade square n played BLOW WIND BLOW. arista, grace, zhi ying, julia n jie en did HoRnY dAnCe hehe....then hemkama got punishment n had to do CHICKEN DANCE. I got punishment not 1 or 2 times but 4 times.. so the 2nd and 3rd tim i had to do CHICKEN DANCE. then at 4th time had to do POLE DANCING.. N SUMORE HEMAKAMA PLAYED THT "WOMANIZER" song..godd lucky no boys around.. or were there?? the NCC AIR BOYS..well i dunnoe.. then played wacko ! n double wacko! n after dat went to our classes.. n salina, hemkama n kasi came to our class to sleep.. then at nite.. hahahaahaahaha
we had CONFESSION TIME.. we had to confess .. anything..there wud b a quiestion n we all had to answer it.. haha. it was both a sad n funni time la to sae.. then lati indu fell asleep so fast. it was around 11:00. i, kasi, salina n nira went to the washroom n this kasi was shining the torch at the walls.. lati lati.. then accidentally haha she shone the torch on a picture near the washroom. the picture contained some deadly eyes eeeuuuww.. then she screamed hahaahahaa.. we were all scared n went to 3rd floor washroom.. later we came back to our class, indu was still asleep so we (naughty gals) put out handphones in silent mode n placed it 1st... on indu's hands.. we called the handphones.. but then she didn't wake up .. so we placed the h.ps on her butt.. still asleep .. then later it was on her back haha.. then finally she woke up.. then news frm hemkama - the NCC AIR .. they all went for a nite walk at 3:00 A.M whoa.. not scary arh?? hemkama onli slept for 2 hrs i tink..
3rd day...- we all exercised.. ate breakfast.. (i shouted during the cheer) .. then played sum games n it was time to leave the sch :(( overall the camp was grr88.. thnx to the seniors yeahh !! n indu called CHOLE instead of CHLOE haha.. n a lot of OTHER OTHER THINGS happened in the camp .. in those three days.. u knoe .. other other things :P but i won't include all those here yeah.. so tcz peeps.. byes..
P.S my voice godd.. it's diff because i shouted during the cheer.. but salina said it sounds SEXY . haha .. n dimpal laughed n laughed over the phone when i called her n i said tht it was mi.. n todae som of my classmates laughed after hearing my voice .. godd. but it's getting betta now....
oh yeah on MoNdAy we had breakfast together wid other international students and nira choose mi as the level rep. umm. thnx niruuu.... hemakama also.. or is it andhika?? (dunnoe his spelling), and it's suren(SUREMON) also n it's anoda boy also.. dunnoe.. forgot his name cuz he still new to mi.. o yeah his name is pinesoe, he's the lev rep as well..