laughing madness
jus reached home.. frm?? toa payoh lib.. yeah woke up at abt 6:00 but then went to my mom's rm to sleep wid my bro n sis.. but ended up waking up at 10:00 becuz both the lil devils kept kicking mi with their legs! then got a call frm KELSI whether can go lib wid them or not but then i said "no"...later at 11:00 went to ma aunty's hse to curl her hair n the result was PRETTY :) got nth betta to do so jus polished my toe nails blue :P then very boring sia.. so called KASI n told her to wait for mi... so i, kasi, hira n shristi went to lib.. met quan jie, chen yan n denny there.. i was like "ey ey hie" to danny.. n smiled to quan jie.. n later saw chen yan n he did a big wave to mi :) .. we all sat in one corner, started doing hw.. nahh not mi.. they.. i was browsing through magazines n sristi n i later toked so loud until hira pissed off (sry:) then shristi n hira went to the table to solve their maths problems.. n kasi started doing hers.. n anjali joined us later n we both got magazines to keep us occupied.. later kasi bought shoes for her bro (cho cute), burrowed some bks, went to kfc.. the queue was soooo longg .. god!!
shristi n anjali were like god sis man!! laughing n laughing so LOUDD until most ppl started luking at us. n we were like "Errr??"
finally finished our meal except anjali darling n she was like "oioi.. wad to do wid my chicken?" n shriti said "tie it around ur wrist la" n i extra went n said "tie it around ur neck, later u hungry can easily eat.. no prob" n we burst out laughing again...
went out of kfc n saw marcus frm 2n1/2n2... he was luking for sumthing in his bag i guess n he had this newspaper between his chin n chest when i snapped my fingers infront of his face .. the newspaper dropped onto the floor n i laughed. LOL. sry ar marcus .. but i went forward to pick it up but he picked it up first..
then later went home.. in the bus - shristi told us abt her pri sch lif n the funny incidents tht took place in her life.. we were laughing like mad...
end of story..
kasi's birthday - last year
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