time's running too fast... dun u all tink so???
neways morning had D&T n as always . . . it's FUN:) sat wid cheryl low cuz zaf was absent... had recess.. wanted to hab yoghurt but we all ended up buying rice n when i was gana sit my fork n spoon dropped. i was like - uffff.. n a gal frm sec 2 saw n laughed lol n told the story to her frens n it got spread in secs..
while lining up for food...
shini - hey rupa! u're pregnant remember? wid my baby?
mi - yeah yeah! it's 3 months !
kamna n sirjana - hhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeee
then drishti's senior ncdcc (sec2 gal) heard n saw us n laughed at our silly conversation?joke?
LMAO. after recess eng. i, shini, drish n cheryl sat together. we were supposed to practice for our oral but majority of us were toking. discussed abt chalet. boys. n other other things. yeah. yeah
maths - had to giv my fullesttt attention coz monday got test :P die!
sci - last 2 periods tht's y most of them were not paying attention. i was looking at the clock (when will it b 12:30???)
then finally riinnggggg!!!
went for lunch. went to sports hall. was raining cats n dogs! thunder! lightening! god! indu n i played volley. some upper sec played basketball. B gals got volley practice. then suddenly this indu used too much force liao. the ball went near the field n i went to retrieve it n in a sec i got drenched frm head to toe. i was shivering near the cage. went washroom n came back.
took out my h.p to msg shini.. msg msg when suddenly a tall figure standing infront of mi wid a CAMERA.. MR PHILLIPS TANN!! dunnoe for wadeva reason he was carrying tht camera around *_* i was like - sry sry sry sry n i quickly put away the phone.
then i turned around then got these whole grp of sec2 n sec 1 ncc guys laughing at mi. L.O.L . paisey la..!
i n indu went to the canteen after tht. we were laughing like mad u knoe y? coz we saw mr ganesh/mr kanesh and he luks exactly like tht uncle frm the indian stall in the canteen haha SAME FACE!
indu was buying chicken frm tht stall when samuel frm 3N1 (i tink) came beside us...
SAMUEL : u no hair ryt? now.
ME : huh???
SAMUEL : last time u tie ur hair high up ryt?
ME : um...
SAMUEL : like powerranger!!!
wad the hell!!! i n indu burst out laughing! haha!
had to interview mrs singh but she had meeting until very late so went home.