i'm glad tht i wasn't alone... there were ma babes hu supported mi n gav mi a shoulder to cry on when i broke down .. ryt there in front of them cuz i jus couldn't help it... i fucking couldn't help it... n i usualy hate to cry infront of ppl... true tht m emotional although i dun like to show it...
sry salina for disturbing u at late nite n toking to u for hrs.. thnx bikesh, kusum, bunu, akriti n resham for being there... i sounded helpless but u guys were a gr8 help.. one way or other....
they showed mi it was useless to waste my tears on him... i've gotta move on...but of course i still do miss him like crazy.. m still head over heels abt him... those memories are still fresh in my mind....
i dun even feel like using comp nowadays. dun feel like coming online. both in fb n msn. it feels useless, out of point when we dun even tok.... yeah we don't now... after i asked him personally - "so, is it over?" he said - "yes" frm dat tht onwards he hasn't toked to mi. 1 week. yes 1 week. i dunnoe y he hides frm mi. i realli dunnoe. i tot we could still b frens. haish. i jus tell myself tht god has a reason for everything but saying tht doesn't help ALL the time, does it?